Friday, September 19, 2008

Is everything contradicting??????

So putting the whole formalist thing aside.. I would like to know what is the deal with theory and practicce? Why is it so complcated to follow ones own theory, rules, guidines? It came up in last weeks discussion and I saw it once more in this weeks reading. Theorists contradicting themselves in theory and pracitce. If one is going to go on and on about why or how something should or should not be then the least they can do is back it up. I'm not sure if it's just me or maybe I didnt understand the reading well enough but if I'm going to be reading about a movement, style or whatever it might be, I'd like to be able to read about and see a number of good physical representations of the style I'm reading about. I know there are actually examples of the works that resulted from these theories but I dont know.. I feel like once you set yourself up wit a certain set of principles you should stick to them and develop them.. Not act like you're developing them and go off in a completely different direction.

Aside from all that.. i felt like there was plenty of good thinking going on. I'm not too sure about the whole scientific method but I've never been big on science and technicality so I might just be a bit biased towards the whole craftmanship idea which is what im more familiar and supportive of.

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