Friday, September 12, 2008

I agree that it seems like the suprematists were trying too hard to distinguish themselves from others in creating a new form of art. It's almost like they were practically comdemning the older art forms such as the reinterpretations on the "savage" which was the beginning of art to begin with, or the classical artwork that used status and rank as a basis for composition. Malevich claims that all who reiterate nature is a thief while referring to earlier forms of art but he should not exclude himself because everything around us, everything we see, everything we experience is nature therefor these new creations must be inspired in some way by nature. He speaks of suprematism as a quick instinctive method of working but those instincts must be inspired by something. A bad feeling in ones gut doesn't just happen. There is usually a connection between the present situation and a former situation which results in that feeling of either caution, joy or in this situation the lively, colorful new form of art.

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