Friday, November 7, 2008

Typology from memory

"no type can be identified with a particular form, but all architectural forms can be referred to types."

Rossi's words shake a bit of artist's vanity out of me. Many architects, especially the young ones, aspire to become an artist, and within an artist's heart, there is an ambition to be original and revolutionary. Incorporation of a building typology into an architectural design puts a selfish reluctance in an artist's heart. It is thought to diminish the originality of a design. We are afraid that our plans will be too easily categorized and lose its novelty. Aldo Rossi's design method is not concerned with such immature worry. He embraces building typology. Through established typology he strives to create a place that is instinctively familiar. Its is not surprising such nostalgic architecture is produced by an Italian architect. Rich Roman architecture is powerful in a fundamental level, and any who grow up in a place so rich with history would come to love and miss the powerful presence of Roman atrium and Renaissance churches.

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